
Science = Amazing = Always – Levitation using Cooled Superconductors

Science = Amazing = Always. What do you get when you combined high powered magnets with superconductors that are cooled down using liquid nitrogen? Levitation!

Scientists however, have also developed a room-temperature superconductor, allowing you to easily build your own metamaterial superconductor and easily keep it controlled.

The new age of science! Redefining physics daily!

I can’t wait to see if the studies in anti-matter pay off (ie, at the underground labs in South Dakota). It won’t be long until we find ourselves in space (hopefully).


Comments (212)

  1. qwertykeyboardqwerty

    what a bouse

  2. aryasajan

    super conductors are awesom especially levitation

  3. MrMendel12

    Woah the spinning looks almost computer animated.

  4. ShoryuKenny


  5. maxjovine

    but will it blend?

  6. bobob3000g

    no high definition? WHY?

  7. Modith Kavinda

    the super conductor makes the magnetic field repulse!!! that is why it
    involves a spinning due to inability to find the north pole and south
    pole!the levitation happens until the liquid nitrogen reaction is over…..

  8. JayIsNotAsian

    where can i find dat kind of superconductors ??

  9. Cranton Sojourn


  10. The Royal Institution

    What floats Andy’s boat? Levitating superconductors on a Möbius strip track Levitating
    Superconductor on a Möbius strip …

  11. antonio jose lopez angulo

    I am doing a similar train in Seville (University of Seville, Faculty of
    Physics) but I have some doubts. Maybe you can solve that:

    First, I bought some YBCO disk (about 22 mm diameter any 7-8 mm high) but,
    when I freeze the YBCO it not levitate. I don’t know why. I think that
    it’s overly thin.

    I want buy another type of superconductor or other YBCO pills with other
    form, but I don’t know where I can?

    Can you help me?

    Thanks you very much.

  12. Ayodele Gbadamosi

    Ahh…so exciting!

  13. Hadie Kumastar

    i wish we learnt this stuff when i was in high school.

  14. Molgerax Productions

    Mario Kart 8 in real life confirmed

  15. Vasco Neto

    table of possible achievements:
    1st:super conductors that work on room temperature
    2nd:levitating cars
    3rd:Mario Kart 8 in real life xD

  16. Dareld Jolliffe

    you should have put a little battery powered propeller on it.

  17. Gonzalo Palma Vega

    Yeah Science bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Tremblay343

    You’re using smoke to hide the wires. Nice try you silly magician

  19. weckar

    Why doesn’t the nitrogen fall out of the little tray?

  20. MotoShaman

    I can’t wait until the streets are lined with super magnets and cars have
    superconductors instead of tires.

  21. Christopher Gaul

    *More superconductivity goodness*

    Levitating Superconductor on a Möbius strip:

  22. Martin Hatchuel

    Awesome vid – thanks

  23. Pollzy Claire

    +Ellie Beckett this is what i ment by science – I WANNNA GO!

  24. NewTypexvii

    awesome! love it! but I hate how each time that thing came around he had to
    help nudge it. I wanted to see if it would do a couple rounds on its own!

  25. Yannic de la Fuente

    It is not levitating! >:(
    It’s locked in the magnetic field. If it was levitating you couldn’t have
    hung it upside down, which is possible with the Meissner effect.

  26. Alex Stein

    Is it safe for him to handle liquid nitrogen with his bare hands?

  27. kabin yang

    is this what they call quantum levitating? or is that different.

  28. iknowsstuff

    So if you were to cool everything down and put it in space somewhere very
    cold like behind the moon, it would keep going for a seriously long time !!

  29. xilefx

    he talks like he bit on his tongue

  30. DeimosHD

    Juggalos, take notes.

  31. Laura Hopkins

    All I want for my bday is a levitating superconductor on a Mobius strip…

  32. Bluegreenaqua

    This makes me so happy. Scientific explanation that can be applied to real
    world conductors and is demonstrated with a mobius strip train track.

  33. Man Eating Monkey

    “You to keep it dry” he says. *Covers it with liquid nitrogen* he does.

  34. Arpad Kovesdy

    So i’m guessing that this apparatus wouldn’t work in space because of
    little/no gravity creating little/no electric field = no magnetic field to
    repel or attract. But if you ran current through the superconductor
    manually would it work then?

  35. FirstPersonRunescape

    Does the magnetic field cause “friction” on the superconductor? As in, will
    the superconductor still stop moving if it is placed in a way that there is
    no air resistance?(exclude gravity)

  36. Alf Lacis

    When he says “the other side of the track”, he’s wrong: a Möbius
    strip/track has only one side!

  37. Kenotic Productions

    MONO ATOMIC GOLD??? Its a super conductor at room temp!!

  38. Docktor Jim

    The world’s largest mobius strip is a roller coaster called Grand National
    at Blackpool. You board the train on the right track, and return on the
    left track, and vice versa.

  39. Johnprakash PP

    I need to buy that kind of super conducter and magnet. What to say in
    market? Please…..
    (Material of super conducter and magnet)

  40. Scieek Labs

    Some materials, when cooled to a critical temperature, electrical
    resistance instantly drops to zero and magnetic fields are completely

    A feature that could completely revolutionize power distribution, power
    storage, electric motors, computers, and more.

  41. Jaheebin Knobius

    Is this real or is this one fake to

  42. 超真實

    Maybe ….
    This is the future of transportation people

  43. Felix Stuart

    This is actually an example flux pinning, which is the sort-of-inverse of
    the Meissner effect. The magnet spins on a straight axis defined by its
    poles, so it is being repulsed. If the cube were being levitated it would
    roll about all over the superconductor like a glass bead on/1/4 in. above a
    marble floor, instead of returning to the exact same position and
    orientation when moved. Still, it’s a cool demo.

  44. M4 Media

    Does this only work with the same magnets you use when you set the lock?

    If you set the lock with a weaker pair of magnets than the track will it be
    in a different locked height above the track?

  45. ToolFool #1

    Levitating Superconductor on a Möbius strip:
    This is amazing

  46. Ashley Graetz

    Superconductor Meissner effect

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