
Cosplay: Assassin’s Creed Unity Phantom Blade (Prototype A) Designed by ImDeePain Reborn

Pretty interesting! Someone went far out of their way to make a working model that not only has a spring loaded blade (well, a fake wooden one at least) but also a crossbow that can actually fire! (as well as spin back to it’s “away” position). Last year I put something together for Halloween themed around Assassin’s Creed. After the holiday I got my hands on a wrist blade that works, but this one kind of makes it feel a little lacking in the fun department. Nice job!

Of course, if you aren’t as crafty when it comes to fabricating your own cosplay weapon, there are plenty of Assassin’s Creed wrist weapons available online (examples) that you can use for your costumes.


Comments (105)

  1. Reed whitlock

    can i buy one?

  2. Marvel Tribute

    wow this is so amazing!!

  3. Marvel Tribute

    (jestem z polski) if you show how to do it

  4. The angry viking

    how are you so good, how do u come up with this stuff

  5. Adi Petrovac

    when will the tutorial be made

  6. Ethan Jordan

    Can you please give me the design so I can make it looks easier than the
    conners hiddden blade please

  7. Niño Rata

    your new name is Leonardo Da Vinci

  8. Adi Petrovac

    which tree you used to make this Phantom Blade

  9. dimas putra

    SEEL IT PLEASE………….. 😀

  10. rahmat hidayat

    what this music

  11. ArcaneCatPlaysMC

    AAH! assassin’s creedgasm

  12. dead lox

    i want it so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Jic™

    BẠn ở việt nam à

  14. Nick Goldstein

    How much? jk that is too cool to sell. lol

  15. Callum Bullock-Hill

    Dude, you could totally make that hidden blade into a proper lethal steel
    blade and make that phantom crossbow a killer with some proper bolts. Your
    aim isn’t half bad either, have you ever considered becoming a true
    assassin, I have links in the England brotherhood.

  16. Le Anh Hoang

    are u vietnamese, i can see the word tân á behind you, nếu anh là người
    việt, cho em xin địa chỉ trên face, có vài thứ cần hỏi về cái phantom
    blade, ok, thank you

  17. Edward Kenway

    Can I has instructions or tutorial please?

  18. Ben Moss

    How do you make it. I just need intrusctions on hidden blade

  19. Ben Moss

    How do you make it. I just need intrusctions on hidden blade

  20. Music Brush

    I just want to know how to make the “blade” without having to use any heavy
    tools doesn’t just pop out. Is there any way to get a “how to make” video
    of this?

  21. tyus mills

    Do you sell any of your projects

  22. Никита Студеникин

    где купить ?

  23. ChaoticChaosGames

    Where can I get the instructions for this?

  24. John Cougle

    Can u make one and send it to me and also make the hidden blade real and
    made of metal

  25. rame janko


  26. Matthew Seckman

    Tutorial please

  27. rame janko

    are you can make blade from iron

  28. Tyler Bailey

    That’s so fuckin sick

  29. bruno vieira

    como vc fez essa phantom blade fala os materias e os equipamentos usados
    para poder fazer essa phantom blade muito zika e show de bola
    gostei muito

  30. julian dangalan

    I made a prototype and i m on my third one. At least yours works.

  31. Ingeu Lee

    Teach me or make a video plz

  32. TheUnderMan3

    It’s BADASS !!!

  33. Arno Dorian

    How much u want, plz just shud up take my money

  34. Arno Dorian

    Seriously i would pay like $100 for one!

  35. goblo023

    atttach the retractor lever to a ring going back through a loop and coming
    around to attach to your thumb so you can retract it. it would look better
    if thats done for the next prototype

  36. GoldenAppleCraft

    you’re awesome

  37. Phillip Jackson

    Please you name the price and I’ll pay

  38. Азат Сабиров

    Когда руки из правильного места растут

  39. Алексей Ворошилов

    а как сделать возвращение арбалета

  40. DJ-Dubbatronic's

    tutorial on how to make?

  41. aurelio ochoa

    omg that is epic

  42. E.S.G The Eighth Ball

    +imdeepainreborn this was one of the best designs of the phantom blade, in
    fact, i prefer this to the newest one

  43. Arctic Wolfie Animations

    The first design of the hidden blade was made by Joe Yard, he worked on it
    for almost a year.

  44. Arctic Wolfie Animations

    The first model of the blade was made out of cardboard and rubber bands.

  45. medo hell

    The Name of the song please ?

  46. Devon Decade

    oh my god i want this

  47. NiKita Lay

    а как сделать покажешь

  48. Mattias Rajando

    i buy the phantom blade how much dollars do u want

  49. jack8asandwitch okay

    this is so cool, just how did you do it?!?

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