
Cosplay: Assassin’s Creed Unity Phantom Blade (Prototype A) Designed by ImDeePain Reborn

Pretty interesting! Someone went far out of their way to make a working model that not only has a spring loaded blade (well, a fake wooden one at least) but also a crossbow that can actually fire! (as well as spin back to it’s “away” position). Last year I put something together for Halloween themed around Assassin’s Creed. After the holiday I got my hands on a wrist blade that works, but this one kind of makes it feel a little lacking in the fun department. Nice job!

Of course, if you aren’t as crafty when it comes to fabricating your own cosplay weapon, there are plenty of Assassin’s Creed wrist weapons available online (examples) that you can use for your costumes.


Comments (105)

  1. MrGitek PL

    Now, please make a tutorial

  2. Marguns21

    Why cant i see this on my iphone?

  3. Evan Wickstrom

    YES. Tutorial soon? This is awesome!

  4. MrThibextra

    And, do you think linden wood would be correct ? Is it in 1, 2 or 3
    millimeters ?

  5. itamarbe23

    You have no friends at all dont you?

  6. Hydrasius HD

    If you think about this, the flying crosbow bolt would actually work irl.
    In the vid it gets stuck in the cardboard. Imagine that with some poison
    going inside your arm or leg. That could actually kill some one… THIS IS

  7. Netto Fernandes

    music name pls !!!

  8. khabbab naji amrani

    iam more interested in the song name

  9. Gustavo Couto

    Não é porque o jogo é ruim, que todas as ideias sejam ruins.
    Assassin’s Creed Unity Phantom Blade (Prototype A) Designed by ImDeePain

  10. Gustavo Couto

    Não é porque o jogo é ruim, que todas as ideias sejam ruins.
    Assassin’s Creed Unity Phantom Blade (Prototype A) Designed by ImDeePain

  11. Dj Tsek

    How can i make this mechanism for the blade ! I am soooooo curious and i
    cant come up with an idea

  12. Anthony Buckley

    Lets get some instructions so your fans, can build one too 🙂 knowledge is
    power my friend, share.

  13. David leon peinado

    Quiero uno 🙁

  14. alexilaiho1st

    sick stuff! I presume there is at least basic engineering going on, to be
    able to design such nice things!

  15. TheRumpletiltskin

    i need to make this…

  16. Cassiel Ligthman

    Tutorial? you have any? I like it! Good job dude! Let me know when you
    upload a tutorial. Thanks.

  17. Brendan McMullan

    The arrows need work, but this is impressive.


  18. Letícia Alcântara

    Vcs vão amar isso, muito show!

  19. Zipo214

    Get it patented NOW

  20. Prich038

    How is the blade going both out AND in??? Never seen one working both ways

  21. Daniel Rivera

    Flip of the wrist…

  22. I Like To Make Stuff

    This is great! Nicely done!!

  23. Tom's Hardware

    La lama celata di Assassin’s Creed incontra una mini-balestra… Ne
    vogliamo una!

  24. BrokeEngineer

    Where can I get blue prints for this item or buy this item?

  25. cryhog

    that’s sexy, man.

  26. kurodoku1998

    Ahhh you’re back!!! 😀

  27. Дима Корчагин

    sorry can buy prototype?

  28. alyssalol1

    i love the music what music is this

  29. Ivan Šarić

    I am interseted how did you make that system for opening and closing blade.
    How can you open and close no matter how much time you pull that string?

  30. Ieducs Wesps

    Fuck me you played lots of assasin’s creed
    Nice done anyway

  31. Storm Catpounce

    Can you please make a tutorial of this Phantom Blade, Prototype A? I like
    Prototype A better because, while the mechanism of Prototype B is cooler, I
    think the bow on it is too big, which is why I like Prototype A better.
    (Btw, I am making you dual action Connor hidden blade, and I subscribed

  32. Giulio Scanferlato

    Leonardo DaVinci sei tu???

  33. SkyGeorge

    why dont you make it out of metal?

  34. Robert Belko

    wow awesome job dude

  35. powerd

    Awesome!!!!! I was wondering Is it possible if you could make it into a
    metal and real blade??

  36. Dinosaur Blanket

    I don’t know why but I kinda like this mechanism more than the one in the

  37. Henry Dotson

    I’ve seen all 3 of your phantom blade videos, and all 3 are amazing! I’d
    love to try to make one myself using your design, but I don’t know how to
    make the crossbow part on the double-action blade part. ^^; you think you
    can make a tutorial for any of your blades? xD if so, that would be great!

  38. cibirahul

    I WANT TO BUY THIS MAN, actually just add details to the design and add
    colour and actually start selling it, ill buy it

  39. Elliot Ogbeiwi

    Hei sue where did u get that music from?i’ll leave you a like

  40. Vadim Cervin

    this music is beautifull! what it’s name?

  41. Keldim Lepro

    I want to know how to make it step by step ! :p

  42. Ügot Trollt

    Where to buy? I need to protect my virginity.

  43. ayy lmao

    Handheld Virgin Device

  44. ☣Explosive Panbros☣

    very good as usual mate, I only made a simple version. Loved your AC2 blade

  45. HarryTheRubiks

    i want one so much

  46. Epic Ichijo

    It took me a while to realize you’re on a roof

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