
Comedy Video of the week: Sustainable Kidnapping

Promising improved treatment and conditions for kidnapees, Sustainable Kidnapping seeks to make the experience a lot better….however don’t forget to pay up of course…




Comments (75)

  1. SHHHwatchinATwork

    I used to doubt that I could actually kidnap someone successfully, I have
    been inspired and think I will give it a shot now! Thanks Thingstarter!

  2. Jason Gilbertson

    So many of my mistakes now seem foolish and borne of ignorance.
    Thanks to the book “Sustainable Kidnapping”, I have seen a 36% decrease in
    attempted escapes and a 42% increase in successful payment of ransom.
    Thanks, ThingStarter!

  3. FreakingDuck

    I feel that the small guy’s voice is actually enforcing some sterotypes
    that people have about us kidnappers.

  4. TheOtherShell

    This guy is a god damn racist! WTF does it mean by “the uploader has not
    made this video available to you’re country”, what? So you hate slouch hats
    n kangaroos or something!?

  5. James Cogley

    Seems legit

  6. MyFunnyBrianShow

    My Mom won’t let me Skype because she is afraid I will get kidnapped! LAUGH

  7. Tilmann Gangway

    hahaha, wie geil ist das denn?! gnihihihihi (via @mogreens)


    i’ll kick in a dollar. i wonder if i can get some money to go to north
    korea so i can improve my rodman parody videos

  9. Jesusdragon737

    Wow, excellent. hahaha

  10. Mike Keliher

    Can I buy a CSA share?

  11. Justin Brogan

    1:17 Kidnapping, playing with goat. I see what you did there.

  12. Weston Parker

    Think globally, kidnap locally.

  13. Ankur Sharma

    Think Globally, kidnap locally: Sustainable Kidnapping (Thingstarter Ep. 4
    of 6)

  14. Michelle Harvey

    Laughing is good

  15. brianmarcus

    kidnapping is funny

  16. Arno Selhorst

    Oh dear…

  17. Paul Hayward

    Sustainable Kidnapping (Thingstarter Ep. 4 of 6)

  18. Michael Beck

    Now that’s something we can all feel good about.

    #FunnyVideos #Environment #Comedy

  19. Diimaa

    ok this one is funny haha

  20. Pete Fecteau

    I wonder if Thinkstarter could help me fund my organic, fair-trade cocaine
    and opiate distribution service?

  21. Ian B

    These guys are better actors than anyone I’ve seen on KickStarter.

  22. Stewart Pierson

    Might as well be a real thing….

  23. SpiritofSix

    This is categorized under “news”.. shit I thought this was legit until the
    video started.

    I guess I shouldn’t be so let down–a world with sustainable kidnapping
    says way too much about priorities.

    “Kidnapping is in our blood”

  24. Above Average

    Not willing to part with a million dollars to save Dan? No problem! Help
    yourself forget about him with another new Thingstarter: “Audiobooks Read
    By You”: Audiobooks Read By You (Thingstarter Ep. 5 of 6)

  25. Ricardo Torres

    Looks real

  26. Ben Logan

    Brilliant lampooning. What better way to popularize a felony than adding
    buzzwords to it?

  27. Jon Hersche

    You have 30 days before blood is on your hands! Byyyyye!

  28. Derrick Jones

    2:28 I completely lost it

  29. Daniel Goldberg

    did anyone notice the crab walking on the bottom right at 2:44

  30. danika risher

    Favorite so far

  31. heatedfrost

    Hahaha Sustainable Kidnapping, with a foreword by Micheal Pollan

  32. Zachary Campbell

    I have heard about these guys and it’s all a fraud they steal gas guzzlers
    for the get away cars and they use harmful chemicals to knock out the
    victims. Check out the HBO documentary coming out in the fall.

  33. PranklinMaltese

    You kidnapped my heart!!

  34. Madame Requiem

    My boyfriend Zeke is a third-generation professional kidnapper, but when he
    bought me a copy of “Sustainable Kidnapping” three months ago to help me
    start my own kidnapping career, I’ll admit I was a little skeptical. But
    after following the instructions during my very first kidnapping, I
    definitely noticed that the sustainable kidnapping process was very simple,
    easy to follow, and much less stressful than conventional kidnapping both
    for me and for my victim. Since then I’ve stuck to a sustainable
    kidnapping routine, and so far I haven’t had to deal with a single escape
    attempt, my victims have all reported a significant improvement in their
    daily lives and overall health since their respective kidnappings, and a
    few of them have even referred me and Zeke to possible future victims with
    greater ransom prospects. Thanks, Thingstarter!

    *P.S.:* If any of my previous victims are reading this, those referrals
    better not be some trap by the FBI to try to bust me because if they are,
    chances are Zeke will end up kidnapping one of your loved ones to bargain
    for my release. Or vice versa. **laughs** … But seriously, don’t even
    think about it.

  35. BlueHypothermicReality

    someone died. O_O

  36. Rhyan Light

    You have 30 days before blood is on your hands! Byeeeee!

  37. Chris Snyder

    This is not new….this is the state with a new name

  38. James Wayne Proctor

    This is friggin’ hilarious.

  39. Mavaddat Javid

    Locavorism and ‘humane’ #slaughter meet their counterpart in ‘sustainable

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