
99 Red Balloons – Played With….Red Balloons

Download it and take the balloon happiness with you everywhere you go!

Pretty cool idea! Always love whoring out those who are musically gifted in the oddest of ways.


Comments (477)

  1. Kabir Quintana

    que bacan me gust{o mucho!!!
    esta canción estaba buscando por muchos años!!!

  2. Known_Fellow

    we should ask him to perform him live sometime 😛

  3. Balr0gTehToaster

    At 0:30, in the melody section, he looks like a dog being accused of peeing
    on the couch.

  4. innes monaghan

    like if rude tube brought you here

  5. Shadow Cat

    Why don’t you have more subscribers 🙁 you’re awesome :).

  6. Dominick Tedesco

    high five, face slap, whatev

  7. xettap

    the song is originally called 99 airballoons if u translate 1to1 ,
    nothing red there

  8. Sam Lacoursiere

    What the name of this Song ??

  9. Unicornio kawaii

    your face in video XD

  10. Kye Jarvis

    i don’t even….how…what…. just god. amazing

  11. Alyssa Anyone


  12. Danielle Scotson

    Fair play to ya for havin the patience to do that!

  13. Rouge Blu Winters

    *I’m so done*

  14. Maria Stephenson

    You are incredible…I’m glad you have enough free time to be as awesome as
    you are!

  15. Kyriin JD Richmond

    This is stupidly good lol

  16. Alexio CZ

    Original song name? :O

  17. The Not-So-Average Unicorns

    11 hours of making this video, but it’s only 1:30 long. It was so worth it.

  18. TheMimaps

    Can I use that music in one of my videos, please?
    I’m afraid that I already made the video, but I didn’t post it

  19. Electro DGX

    This is when balloons will start to cost $600 lol

  20. ChrisTheSheriff

    now play the song using a messed up alert system and nuclear weapons

  21. SkullSkGamingTV

    Better than original :3

  22. Miss A Peal

    Absolutely superb! Subscribed.

  23. CipherN9ne

    High five face slap, whatev.

  24. Lloyd Christmas

    That. Was. Intense.

  25. Crazy Cat lady

    A song about a accidental nuclear war with no enemy.
    Sorta sad.



    As the second song called 0:26

  27. Женя Сорокотягин

    Ну и ебушатник

  28. HellHunt 237

    how find this ther on VK??

  29. Kolya mehanik

    Ставь лайк если ты из группы vine video

  30. James Loveland


  31. Don Grille

    For all the people asking, the songs is darude – sandstorm

  32. alan19844

    Crazy! Excellent imagination!

  33. Crona Gorgon

    ○■○<☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢○♢} *throws up rainbows*

  34. Stuart Attic

    How many balloons were used?

  35. Angutivik Casper Rúnur Tausen Hansen

    I vote cheeseburger.

  36. B2utyNana

    Aaaaaah i love u and i love ur eyes

  37. Alexander Carranza

    Has el ver completo por favor :3
    saludos desde perú 😀

  38. angelpichu1

    i like the way it sounds, sure :3, but im caught between loving this and
    being totally afraid, because im terrified of balloons…

  39. Josh Bristoe

    Who cares how many balloons he played it on!? He could have used 99 for
    fucks sake this is awesome!

  40. Fidel D. Reyes

    high five, face slap, whatev

  41. VizslaLover152

    how many balloons did you do through making this video?

  42. Patrícia Queiroz

    Damnnn you’re so criative!

  43. Ashley Walker


  44. heidel sanpedro

    Ilove his facialexpression haha

  45. heidel sanpedro

    High five face slap whatev that was fastt

  46. HardFrostyNipples

    I’m stoned as fuck. Also, this was the greatest thing I’ve heard in weeks.

  47. johannah vergara

    I just loved it because of Coke 🙂

  48. Kim Savonet

    This. Was. Amazing.

  49. enderbornrage

    More sidechain needed. :/ lol.

  50. Regal Mammoth

    What is this black magic?

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