
CBD solutions from CBD Essence – Chewy Taffies and Oil, oh my!

CBD has been a growing trend as more users flock towards usage that aren’t ready for or prefer not to try THC, let it be due to not wanting “the high” or simply in fear of how it might impact their professional life. CBD grants them access to the medicinal benefits of marijuana without the high and won’t show up on any test. It is generally legal most anywhere these days if hemp-derived and can be found in both brick and mortar shops as well as online.

How well it works changes with each person as something may work great for you but do nothing for the person standing next to you. However, they may find an alternative product that works opposite for them and do little for you. So the word “experimenting” is frequently used as individuals explore the market, looking for what works best for their own chemical being.

I personally have been testing out some products from “CBD Essence“, including chewy candy taffy, and oil tinctures. All of them are either free of THC or contains extremely low amounts (in other words, you won’t be affected by it). I have a couple of damaged areas when it comes to muscles or joints, so it makes it easier to determine pain levels. I also have plenty of trouble sleeping due to a very involved life (both at home and at work).

When it comes to pain relief, the verdict is still up in the air at times as sometimes it seems like the pain isn’t as muffled, while other times I feel like I could pick up a bat and swing it around without consequence (it is of course always important to remember that just because you can’t feel something, doesn’t mean the injury isn’t still there). So at times, it seems that it has a huge effect, while others, not as much. To be fair though, when you have damaged parts and pieces like that, it’s hard to get rid of it completely no matter what you take.

When it comes to relaxing, these products seem to do wonders, placing you into more of a mellow mood. Not high, or anything extreme, but simply calmer. So if you have issues with anxiety, this could help big time. Which leads us to the next category.

Sleep! I have plenty of troubles sleeping. Most of it might be from all of the caffeine I consume, but it is also due to an overly active mind that doesn’t like to shut down. During my trials of these products, it seems to have calmed quite a bit, allowing some nights in the mix where I don’t remember waking up throughout the night (which for me, is a common thing and can sometimes feel hourly). So if this continues to have such a positive effect, I can easily see myself getting used to this!

As for the flavors. Most CBD products (or natural holistic alternatives) don’t taste like the real sugary thing that our tastebuds usually have become accustomed to (when it comes to candies and the like). However, most of these are quite enjoyable. The chocolate chewy candies, in my opinion, don’t taste anything like chocolate to me, but some of the others taste great. I mean, they all have a unique flavor to them, but nothing that is going to turn you away.

I feel that the oil has the best effect through when you take it properly. You do have to let it rest under your tongue long enough (1-2 minutes) for the best effect. It also has a pleasant spearmint flavor to it that stands out far better than some of the other oils I’ve tried. They also have a number of other flavors to choose from.

I can only assume that their topical solutions may be just as good. I haven’t tried any, but I have seen success from similarly effective brands. They seem to have two options to choose from, including a basic solution as well as a warming solution called “sport” that sounds interesting.

You can find CBD Essence online via, where the products can be shipped literally anywhere within the states since they are hemp-derived.

If anything changes or I see longer-term improvements or run into any of their topical solutions, I will make sure to let you know!



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